Address: St. Helena’s Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Contact Name: Jean Savage
Phone: 01 811 0428/811 0583
Fax: 01 811 0576
Web site: None
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.45 am to 3.30pm (Beginning of September to the end of July)
Who can use the service? Children and Families living in the Finglas Area
Cost: Yes
We operate the ECCE AND CCS Schemes
Informal referrals accepted: Yes
Formal referrals accepted: Yes
Referrals accepted from: Self Referral, Social Workers/Public Health Nurse/ Psychologists/Speech and Language Therapists/ Community Groups.
How to make a referral: Application form available at reception at the Centre. Services wishing to refer to may ring the centre and we will email or fax a referral form to you.
Centre Overview
St. Helena’s Childcare Centre strives to provide a high quality childcare service for children and their families living in the Finglas area. We offer a range of affordable childcare options to enable parents to avail of educational, training and work opportunities. We provide a holistic curriculum for children that merges all areas of their life and development and allows each child to reach their full potential.
Key Aims & Objectives of Service
- To Provide a safe stimulating environment offering access to a variety of educational equipment and toys
- To offer a range of developmentally appropriate activities to meet the needs of each child.
- To ensure children’s self-esteem is nurtured and enhanced.
- To offer an environment the respects and embraces diversity.
- To give children a positive attitude to learning and education from an early age.
- To work in partnership with parents to prepare children for school and ensure their time in our service is a positive one for all concerned.
- To offer support to families and children attending our Centre and refer them to appropriate services should the need arise.
- To provide a menu of nutritionally balanced meals using a variety of fresh ingredients.
- To recruit qualified staff and ensure they receive ongoing training and support.
Services Provided
Morning and Afternoon playgroup and Full day care sessions