Address: 85 Connaught Street, Phibsboro, Dublin 7
Contact Name: Avryll de Burca
Phone: 01 8388077
Fax: 8680246
Web site:
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (Monday, Thursday and Friday 9-5, Tuesday and Wednesday 9-8)
Who can use the service? Families in the catchment area (HSE North City Area including Finglas, Cabra, North City and Ballymun. The centre does not cover the Dublin 15 area).
The service is available to young people under 18 and their families. Referrals from the HSE Social Work service are prioritised.
A child or young person is resident in the centre’s catchment area and that the centre can provide the service required. If more specialist services are required the referrer and family will be advised of this.
Cost: None
Informal referrals accepted: Yes
Formal referrals accepted: Yes
Referrals accepted from: Self referrals and referrals from schools and services working with children and families
How to make a referral: The referral form needs to be completed. Both parents consent is required in respect of children attending if there is contact with both parents. Social Work departments and specialist services need to submit a report with the referral form.
Centre Overview
Connaught Street Family Centre is one of ten centres run by the Daughters of Charity Child and Family Services. The service strives to promote the welfare of the child and the family. The service works to prioritise the protection, welfare and safety of children and to support positive and healthy relationships within families. The centre participates in DRM, the Differential Response Model through which the Daughters of Charity Child and Family Services partner the HSE Social Work Department in responding to child protection and welfare concerns.
The centre provides a service to families within the catchment area. The centre currently has a Manager and a team of five Family Workers sharing four posts.
Key Aims & Objectives of Service
The service works to prioritise the protection, welfare and safety of children and to support positive and healthy relationships within families.
To provide a service to families within the centre’s catchment area.
To provide a service that is high quality, creative and responsive to the needs of children and families.
To acknowledge the strengths of children and families and the development of these.
To work when possible in partnership with families and other agencies for the benefit of the child and family.
Services Provided
Therapeutic support. Individual and family sessions with children and parents as required.
The centre can provide such support in address difficulties experienced by families including
Behavioural difficulties
Family violence
Loss and bereavement
Traumatic experiences
Children in care
School problems
The impact of physical, emotional or sexual abuse on children
The effects of substance abuse in the family